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Moonday Mystic by Modern Mystic Shop

Oct 18, 2020

On this special episode of Sunday School, you’ll hear new voices as Vinisha Rumph and Desireé B Stephens host this very important and special episode of Sunday School. Vinisha and Desireé are practitioners and co-creators in the Make Shi(f)t Happen initiative. 

Centered around the principles of ethics and accountability, their vision is geared toward cultivating true connectivity within the Spiritual and Wellness communities. Our goal is to establish new sustainable standards and practices through truly constructive and collaborative consultation. In short, we promote genuine solidarity within the greater collective. 

On October 8th, we held a candid conversation to examine exactly how DO we make a shift happen? Especially when it feels like shift hit the fan.

Follow Vinisha at @vinisharumph and Desiree at @seleniteandsage on Instagram